Locale Dealers |
Look for your local dealer. |
Direct Order |
Choose on of the following methods: |
Send us a written order by mail, fax or e-mail. |
Enclose a Eurocheck in German Marks (DM). |
Transfer the amount to our Bank Account at
Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822, Swift-Code: FRASDEFF, Account: 71902. |
Personal Cheque in DM. Add 30 DM if you are using Personal Cheque because the
bank charges us this fee for cashing the cheque. |
or send, fax, e-mail us your Visa/Master/Eurocard information (name, type of credit
card, credit card number and expiry date).(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][Christmas issue].iso/-websites-/haage&partner/visa_s.gif) (Future Publishing)(GB)[!][Christmas issue].iso/-websites-/haage&partner/mastca_2.gif) (Future Publishing)(GB)[!][Christmas issue].iso/-websites-/haage&partner/euroca_s.gif) |
Shipping Costs |
Please add this to your bill: |
30 DM for shipping outside Europe!
20 DM for shipping within Europe! |
Order Form(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][Christmas issue].iso/-websites-/haage&partner/new_14.gif) |
New secure (SSL) order page |
In our continuing effort to make your data transfer more secure, we have installed an SSL order form based on the
Thawte digital certification. To access this order form, just click here. |